node-gettext is a Node.JS module to use .MO and .PO files.
- Load binary MO or source PO files
- Supports contexts and plurals
- Add your own translations to the list
- Recompile current translation table into a MO or a PO file!

Support node-gettext development

npm install node-gettext
Create a new Gettext object
var Gettext = require("node-gettext");
var gt = new Gettext();
Add a language
addTextdomain(domain, file)
Language data needs to be in the Buffer format - it can be either contents of a MO or PO file.
addTextdomain(domain[, fileContents])
Load from a MO file
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync("");
gt.addTextdomain("et", fileContents);
or load from a PO file
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync("et.po");
gt.addTextdomain("et", fileContents);
If you do not include the file contents, then a blank language template object
is created which can be edited with setTranslation, deleteTranslation methods etc.
Plural rules are automatically detected from the language code
gt.setTranslation("et", false, "hello!", "tere!");
Check or change default language
The function also returns the current texdomain value
var curlang = gt.textdomain();
Translation methods
Load a string from default language file
var greeting = gt.gettext("Hello!");
Load a string from a specific language file
dgettext(domain, msgid)
var greeting = gt.dgettext("et", "Hello!");
Load a plural string from default language file
ngettext(msgid, msgid_plural, count)
gt.ngettext("%d Comment", "%d Comments", 10);
Load a plural string from a specific language file
dngettext(domain, msgid, msgid_plural, count)
gt.dngettext("et", "%d Comment", "%d Comments", 10)
Load a string of a specific context
pgettext(msgctxt, msgid)
gt.pgettext("menu items", "File");
Load a string of a specific context from specific language file
dpgettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid)
gt.dpgettext("et", "menu items", "File");
Load a plural string of a specific context
npgettext(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, count)
gt.npgettext("menu items", "%d Recent File", "%d Recent Files", 3);
Load a plural string of a specific context from specific language file
dnpgettext(domain, msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, count)
gt.dnpgettext("et", "menu items", "%d Recent File", "%d Recent Files", 3);
getComment(domain, msgctxt, msgid)
gt.getComment("et", "menu items", "%d Recent File");
Returns an object in the form of {comment: "", code: "", note: ""}
setComment(domain, msgctxt, msgid, comment)
gt.getComment("et", "menu items", "%d Recent File", "This is a comment");
can either be a string or an object with the following properties: {comment: "", code: "", note: ""}
String helpers
In order to make things really easy, it is possible to attach the gettext functions directly to string
prototypes with gettext.registerStringHelpers()
// setup gettext
var gettext = new Gettext();
gettext.addTextdomain("et", fs.readFileSync(""));
// translate any string
var translated = "translate this string".gettext();
// or
var plural = "translate %s string".ngettext("translate %s strings", 10);
// you can even change the default textdomain
The parameters for the gettext functions are the same as with regular gettext methods, except that the msgid
parameter is not needed.
Manage translations
Add a translation
setTranslation(domain, context, msgid, translation)
gt.setTranslation("et", "", "Hello", "Tere");
Use an array for plurals
gt.setTranslation("et", "", "%s comments", ["%s kommentaar", "%s kommentaari"]);
Remove a translation
deleteTranslation(domain, context, msgid)
gt.deleteTranslation("et", "", "Hello");
List available contexts
var contextStrArr = gt.listContextNames("et");
List translation keys for a context
listKeys([domain], [context])
var originalsStrArr = gt.listKeys("et", "");
Compile to MO
Compile current translation table to a MO file
fs.writeFile("", gt.compileMO("et"));
Compile to PO
Compile current translation table to a PO file
fs.writeFile("out.po", gt.compilePO("et"));